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Riverside Newspaper

Posted by Sam Ajemian on December 06, 2002 at 10:10:53

Here is contact info for a major if not the bigest newspaper in Riverside. I was interviewed once from them (early to mid ninties) but I forget the reporter's name. If you look around their web page you may find their e-mail also. Do a search for Press Enterprise. Sam Ajemian
Welcome to The Press-Enterprise Company. We are the leading provider of news and information for Inland Southern California through newspaper and magazine publishing, printing, Internet and telephone information services.These pages are designed to help you get in touch with just the right person in our organization to fulfill your needs. We look forward to being of service.The Press-Enterprise Company is headquartered at 3512 Fourteenth Street, Riverside, CA 92501. We can be reached by telephone at (909) 684-1200.
Welcome to The Press-Enterprise.

As Inland Southern California's newspaper, we want to make sure you can reach us easily with questions about advertising, subscriptions, employment or news.

To the left, you will find various department names. Click on the one you need. This will take you to information about the services that department offers and how to reach the people there.

The newspaper is headquartered at 3512 Fourteenth Street, Riverside, CA 92501. All newspaper departments can be reached by telephone at (909) 684-1200.

For a printable map with directions to our Riverside headquarters, click here.
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