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Re: You missed my question completely

Posted by in the archive on December 05, 2002 at 19:54:32

In Reply to: You missed my question completely posted by Wondering on December 05, 2002 at 19:41:56:

no, rf is not a pedofile just because of that event...there are specific details on the story.
after the event both him and Watchman met and were shocked and both said and felt it was was NOT the thing to do. This was right after the girl who wouldn't had been out freaking everybody out and pounding people about obeying with no question, and everybody was in this fear trip of not obeying leadership from the very top.
The girls were instructed to do that...the pedos are the ones who instructed the girls into that stuff... but his lying and lying and covering up and lying certainly does not help his case as a self-declared christian. i don't know how he lives with his conscience.