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jiminy crickets..

Posted by ray on December 05, 2002 at 17:45:18

In Reply to: Re: look.. posted by Not completely naieve on December 05, 2002 at 17:24:36:

i never said that there isn't an overlap in people etc. but i do believe, unless someone shares something i don't know that shows i was duped and it really was ws owned and operated, it was a personal initiative of family people , who set up a seperate company, in partnership w/ nonfamily companies, produced a product that is sound. have you seen it? did you see any cultic indoctrination? what in it was dangerous? perhaps they encoded backmasking? and when you play it on rewind you find out mo is dead?

the issue of integrity w/ their partners is one thing. this does strike me as an issue they should examine themselves on.but to think these videos endanger kids, or that thousands of three year olds are suddenly going to start "sharing" or something is a pretty unreasonable position, imo.

does some tithe money make it to ws? i guess. but i don't see how this current course will dent ws in any meaningful way. i do believe it IS an issue family members should be challenged on. it is an issue that one who realizes the fam. is wrong on many things but stays for other reasons does have to face up to. good to raise the issue, imo.