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It is difficult to sift

Posted by Passing By on December 05, 2002 at 08:27:48

In Reply to: the road less traveled posted by MV on December 05, 2002 at 07:56:41:

In the first place, the sieve must be mighty fine but the real difficulty lies in their disguise. Observe the response from Solomon CR trying to distance himself from The Family. Many of us were told and even admonished directly to deny such connections when needed. In fact, it seems to me that some of the point of distinction would be people who readily accepts Family membership are probably simple hardworking rank-and-file Family members but those who deny it are hiding something larger.

I also agree with Ray that honest hardworking people should not be harrased or have their life made more difficult than it already is, nevertheless it is their choice what keeps perpetuating Berg's lies. They are the tip of the iceberg and compassion for them is separate from the truth, which is ultimately what is harrassing them. The fact is that they suffer because of their association with the Family. For Ray to suggest that denouncing the Family is harrasing the poor families in the field is an appeal to our compassion but a twist on what is really happening. Expposing the Family is not the same as harrassing poor families but the result of the association these poor families have with a greater problem.

Imagine a neighbourhood that is controlled by a mafia through fear and deception and the police wants to go in and clean it but a few people in the neighbourhood resists it. Observers could argue that the police is harrassing those few people without realizing that these poor people are being manipulated and pushed by fear and threats to interefere and try to protect that mafia.

The real liars, culprits, deceivers and manipulators hide behind the human shield of the rank-and-file using our compassion to manipulate us as well. Ray is a por soul with great compassion but misses the point that the evil magicians are behind them controlling them and placing them in risky areas.

It is a difficult call for each individual but because of that lack of singlemindness among exmembers the Family continues thriving. Hopefully we will be there to support SGAs when they move in to reclaim their childhood.