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Re: My response to RF.

Posted by legal eagle on December 04, 2002 at 16:48:36

In Reply to: My response to RF. posted by Sam Ajemian on December 04, 2002 at 16:18:06:

Good stuff Sam.

For various reasons, I cannot contact anyone myself, but here are some questions that Christians who are concerned can ask RF.

Does RF currently tithe to The Family? If not, when was the last time he did?

When did RF leave the Family?

What does RF think of the Family now -- it's sexual beleifs and practices, as well as channelling, necromancy, David Berg, etc.?

what does RF think of Maria and Peter? Are they annointed of God?

when was the last time RF corresponded with members of the Family, especially Family officers such as Grant at FCF?

Are any Family members currently working in any capacity for SSU? Volunteers? cheryl is a long-time Family member, Bonnie, aka Rebecca Willow. Michael Fogarty, who wrote many of the Cherub songs is a long time Family member in Japan.

Is RF still a director of FCF? Why, if he is not a member of the Family, is he supporting a Family organisation? All the directors are Family members?

Who owns SSU?

Did RF give testimony for the Family in 1995 in England?

Why are Family members aggresively selling and distributing Cherub Wings? What licensing arrangements (or any other business arrangements) does SSU have with Aurora Productions AG?

The point in all of this is that Rf and co. need to be honest. If they are members of the group, be honest and say so. If they are not and have left, they should say so to, unequivicobly, giving dates, etc. I know when I left the group and stopped sending money. And if he is a good Christian, as he purports to be, he will undoubtedly be revulsed by Family doctrines and practices and willing to condemn them.

Keep asking questions, pointed questions, that require specific answers and will be easy to use at a later date. Open ended questions that require more than a yes or no answer. In the multitude of words there lacketh not sin. If he lies he will eventually be caught and no one will want to do business with him. and if he tells the truth, they will recoil in horror. It's Catch 22 time.

Send the guy the new brochure on Angelfire.

FYI, RF's personal faith is important here. If he is an active member of such a terrible group as the Family, the public has a right to know, so they can make an informed decision as to whether they want to buy those products. We're simply saying, "be honest."

Hope this helps. Looks like your probing is having an effect.