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Distinction between the head of the snake and the snake itself

Posted by Passing By on December 02, 2002 at 19:17:37

There seems to be confusion about the difference between individual family members and the organization they endorse. Hitler's Germany was full of nice people - even Hitler himself showed caring moments when his own family. This confusion appears often in defense of the individual members when there is discussion of actions against the evil doctrines sponsored and promoted by TF. In fact, it is the nice, sweet, file and rank member who sponsors and promotes those very same evil doctrines.

The distinction, and it is a fine distinction, is that the individual rank and file member may not be attached to certain specific teachings but the fact that his/her money goes up the hierarchy to support those teachings means something, right?

So... What does it mean?

It is a big question but some people rather avoid these hard questions to validate their own positions. TF is a building resting in a foundation of pain and sweat, free labour of larceny and lies but, unlike all buildings, is the part TF shows, as an inverted Iceberg. Those at the top demand the poor labourers down below to sacrifice for them, to give them protection, to do their dirty work of collecting alms while those at the top hide away. The Family is that proverbial snake of old, the deceiver, and with the same evil wisdom hides its head from the light that would expose it leaving out the body of hard working peasants.

Some are confused because they forget that the individual nice people they know are part of that snake. They are confused because they don't want to accept that they were once a part of that snake and that the snake must be exposed - which means expose its lies and its sins. They want to protect the body of the snake confusing their allegiance to friends and nice people not thinking that they are also poisoned and that they are also poisoning others.

How can the snake's body be spared?

What they, hopefully unwittingly, are asking is to spare the whole snake with its lies and deceptions. If that is the case, what a fearful end of the might ones who began running but fell to faint!