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Re: I agree with Daniel, I don't agree with and will not support .....

Posted by Rocky on November 24, 2002 at 11:48:05

In Reply to: I agree with Daniel, I don't agree with and will not support ..... posted by MG on November 24, 2002 at 02:12:47:

Hi MG!

I can appreciate the need to recover, hopefully all of us will.

I think the family has to be dismantled. Although the effects of leaving the family have been hard on us all I don't want people who still venerate Berg and follow Maria pushing any product anywhere near the community I live in. I also don't want the perversions of the family taught by implication.

It is not just individuals who committed the abuses, the organization promoted, sanctioned and allowed the abuse to occur. There is no way around that fact. The lies, twists and abuse issues were an organizational value transmitted to the membership in ever increasing degrees by the founders and leadership. It was a systemic problem that started right at the birth of the family. The family structure in any past or current form cannot be sanitized because it is based on and driven by, abusive and manipulative values.

I love them too, they are of us and like us but as we did so must they do to get free. They are caught and it does not matter if it is by choice or circumstance, each member must make the transition out or suffer the consequences of association with berg's perversions. There is no other way out of that legacy without a conscious denial of Berg's doctrines and physical break from the family. In the long run the family members actually may have it easier by leaving and getting support from other, cleaner spiritual places if they choose.

As long as there is a family, Berg's doctrines will exist and influence negatively. In addition, the founders and leadership of the family still believe that child sexual abuse is OK and would practice it if they had the legal freedom to do so. They still teach it is OK by implication. Maria was quite clear on that point in past letters. The statements made in Justice Ward's by the family where done to escape justice. I do, however, appreciate that you do not wish to support the dismantling of the family. That is ok Bro there are lots of us to do that task. You have had enough of it all at thirty years in. It is a miracle that you survived it !

