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Re: I agree with Daniel, I don't agree with and will not support .....

Posted by Acheick on November 24, 2002 at 11:24:36

In Reply to: I agree with Daniel, I don't agree with and will not support ..... posted by MG on November 24, 2002 at 02:12:47:

I see what you saying. But there is still a lot of abuse that goes on in the F. and you're foolish to think they've cleaned up their act enough to make any big difference. Yes, they probably have a rule that there is no sex with children anymore for appearance sakes, but I bet it goes on under closed doors. The fact is, these kids are living in a highly sexually charged environment that opens the doors for sexual predators who love the religious cloak that masks their evil deeds, couple that with a closed society that does not open its doors to the public for any inspections or oversight - these kids have no way out, they have no recourse, no one to turn to, no authorities, no relatives, they're much more trapped then we ever were. If you love these people as you say you do, you may want to do more than sit by and watch them suffer and languish away having one kid after another. That's how I feel, I have relatives in the F. and it breaks my heart every day. I would love for the F. to fall apart, the leadership to scatter to the four winds and let their captives go. Yes, there are many fine people in the F., that is just the point, we care about them and the children growing up in it. And what about the public? Don't you think they should be able to make an informed decision? Don't you think it unfair to them that the truth is being hidden to them. We did not have all the facts either when we first joined or met the F., isn't that what we always talk about? If only someone had told me half the stuff I was to find out later, I would have never joined. Maybe if we quit enabling them, they will be forced to find other ways to support themselves, they may have to send their kids to school to get real jobs, heck, the Mormons do it, the JWs do it. Then at least the offspring would have a chance at a half-way decent life. At least the Mormons provide for their families and they believe in education and getting good jobs. I have never seen a really poor mormon. I don't like seeing my offspring living hand to mouth and lying to get money for their families. They have no idea how to interact with the public or people in a social setting without thinking about how to use them or get money out of them. There is so much more to this than the sexual exploits of the past (if it is indeed in the past - no one can know for sure). And again, the public has a right to know just what they are giving their hard earned money to. Maybe if the good people in the F. saw just what disgust the public would have if they knew of their true doctrines and intents, it would wake them up out of their stupor - at least the ones with a conscience. That's how I look at it. Someone had to wake me up and I'm sorry it took so long to get to that point.

I'll tell you a story, my oldest would send money to his brothers and sisters who are in the F. with his father for their birthdays. When he went there to visit, he found out that the father was keeping 3/4 of the gift money and giving 1/4 to the kids. When he found that out, he quit sending money. We have to make a statement somehow. Otherwise, we're just giving them our stamp of approval and who else knows the goods on them except us? I don't see it as hurting them, I see it as helping them, they are already hurting. I have told this story many times, but I'll say it again. Once when we were out listnessing/postering, of course, we used the kids to go up to people to get the donations. One lady saw us and was extremely disgusted that we would use the children in this fashion. She promptly went to the store manager and complained. We were therefore escorted away. She just stood there and stared at me, probably wondering what kind of parents we were. I think deep down, I knew she was right, even though Berg's words were in my mind and I brushed her off as being used by the devil to keep us from getting out God's words (yeah right). That stayed with me for a long time and worked in my conscience. Was the woman mean to keep us from getting an income? No, we figured out another way, the children starve, they probably happy they didn't have to keep doing that crap. Since you go to MovingOn all the time, did you happen to look at the latest poll? Did you see what it was that the SGAs hated the most that they had to do in the F.? Did you think it would be childcare? JJT? What? It was POSTERING! Getting money for literature, asking the public for money. They hated that and I'm sure the ones in still do. I personally think it's a good way to put pressure on the parents to re-think their position in how they raise money and who they align themselves with.