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I wish

Posted by Acheick on November 23, 2002 at 13:33:12

In Reply to: Jules' post makes it clear why MovingOn is a web site par excellence! posted by MG on November 23, 2002 at 13:23:43:

That if you see some posts or articles that would benefit us (and I know you have done this in the past) if you could post them here. As long as it's ok with Jules, of course. For one thing, I have very little time now that I've gone back to work and my computer access has also been cut in half, so I don't have a lot of time to visit other sites and read. However, I really like to read the stuff that is put on MovingOn, so if some people find something particularly interesting, good to talk about, think about, ponder, etc., can you post them here? As long as it's ok with MovingOn, of course. I still have a copy of Jules post from excognet - everything I need to know about life, I learned in the F.,it was and is a classic. I should go and check out those Vandari products and I want one of those screensavers that you're talking about.