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Good points

Posted by Donny on November 22, 2002 at 20:56:51

In Reply to: Re: I disagree with much of his assessment posted by goth88 on November 22, 2002 at 20:23:46:

I think the way you explained it here is clearer and frankly (in my opinion) has more validity than what the psychologist said, becuase she speaks from theory, albeit studied theory, but you speak from hard-earned experience.

I'm willing to adjust my position if I can be convinced otherwise. I still think there were minor portions of our brain unparalyzed by mind control (or maybe only partially debilitated) but yes, I agree with you that the cult morphed individuals into something they had not been previously. Sara Davidito may have been 'nice' before the Family or when she first joined, and yes Berg's influence was largely responsible for the horrible transformation into the person Sara became, that Ricky describes in his expose of Berg's household. But I still can't see that she can write it ALL off as Berg's fault.

I mean, how far back does this go? Can Berg write off all his tendencies and what he became, to his mother's influence? Is she then the ultimate perpetrator? Or can she herself blame her father for his behavior before her? Ok, I think we can say that the cult leader Berg became originated LARGELY with his own controlling experience.

All I'm saying is that all of us, to varying degrees, some a lot, some almost none, bear at least a measure of responsibility for our actions. I don't think you can assume that my view is the default. Yours might be. We haven't heard from others yet.

You've helped me modify my position to where I see more being Berg's control. I've always felt that, just differ on the degrees of how much we ourselves must account for.