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Re: Rocky's post

Posted by Donny on November 22, 2002 at 08:50:12

In Reply to: Re: Rocky's post posted by Acheick on November 22, 2002 at 08:39:12:

Yes, I agree! I think in the past we had discussions on this issue and brought out that we were all victims. When I read Rocky's letter above the main thing I got out of it was not the validation of SGAs to the exclusion of FGAs. What I got out of it was the validation of an ex-member whose boyfriend didn't understand here and was trying to tell her to "get over it." None of us need that.

Rocky's letter is one of the most professional and yet heart-felt addresses to this issue, that ex-members all need to recover at their own rate and not try to jump through the hopes of others' expectations. This is especially true if their boyfriend/girlfriend was never in the group and can't understand why the exer is struggling with issues.

My mother is an iron lady and has a lot of willpower. She has very little tolerance for those hurt by emotional or even physical pain because she can hold up under it and can't figure out why anyone else can't just buck up. I think even some very wellmeaning people have real problems understanding the specific pain that exmembers go through.