In Reply to: Fortunately my mental paralysis was only at 80% posted by Donny on November 21, 2002 at 11:35:26:
Now think again about the David Koresh incident - imagine yourself couped up in a compound with your loving leader who is speaking as from God for you, you've sat there day in and day out and read endtime prophecies, heard your loving shepherd's God-inspired interpretations and suddenly, it all starts to happen, the persecution begins, they want to take the children away, they want to take your leader away, they send the uniformed military, then the tanks come, the lights, the whole scenario begins to be played out. All it does is reinforce your shepherd's rantings that this is the endtime and the evil U.S. forces are at your doorstep, and now God says it's time to end it all. Take your children to heaven where they will be safe and out of harm's way. Imagine all those mothers who believed that and let their children suffer a horrible death, thinking that heaven was right around the corner and they would be rewarded. Oh no, I believe that scenario could have been very real for any one of us. Maybe Jonestown seemed too far fetched and unreal, we wouldn't have done that, we thought. But then again, we were still in the group and Jonestown wasn't enough like the F. David Koresh was almost a mirror of Berg and his set up. That made me think.