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On the subject of Maria and Peter

Posted by goth88 on November 20, 2002 at 09:58:30

I personally think they are accountable as a whole as they are the leaders of the "family" and Maria herself is the current "channeler" of "Mo" and a host of other post toasties, or imitators of celebs that are actually post toasties. I would wish that they would be dis-enthroned from their self described regality and put behind bars to do some hard time, or at least be on a lengthy, i.e., LIFE sentence of probation with community service working as clowns and balooners at prisons for inmates (who are allowed to throw up or throw tomatoes.) Personally, I can't see pedophiles and perverts such as these that support, teach and believe in the doctrines Mo had, now translated into a feminine form under maria (from Penis envy to Vagina envy)ever working in any capacity of authority over human beings OR animals of any kind, and especially not around children or people otherwise particularly vulnerable. Society does not put pedophiles in kindergartens or candy shops, or as teachers, or troop leaders. It would just be too tempting. It seems that sooner or later they would run out of the ability to assume false identities with security tightening up world wide, and technology being more proficient. I do hope they get life. (not get A life, but get LIFE. Any other thoughts on a good sentence for the profitess and her consort?