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Re: Attn. Admin. : Regarding "Fundies"

Posted by Rocky on November 19, 2002 at 16:26:07

In Reply to: Re: Attn. Admin. : Regarding "Fundies" posted by marina on November 19, 2002 at 15:57:38:

Hi Admin!

Brits would be just as apt or even more so to latch on to a word like "Fundies". British television has done several very detailed documentary films on fundamnetal movements. We use Bergites and other such terms freely why not fundies. From my perspective, having being worked over by a number of "Fundies", I think the term is ok. We all tend to use pet names from time to time. I also think fundamentalist is a very long word to type several times in a post. HAHA!!

I'm proud to be a Fundie from Kalabundy
Cause we don't joke on any given Sunday
and being right is still the biggest thrill of all
( just a joke from a former fundie)
Baulky Rocky