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On the subject of Fundamentalists, aka: FUNDIES

Posted by goth88 on November 19, 2002 at 09:49:16

In Reply to: Good call Achieck posted by Bystander on November 18, 2002 at 21:49:31:

OK, here goes. There are Christians and then there are Fundies. FUNDIES shove bible crap down peoples throats and have tv stations with pink haired baby-jane like old ladies giving barbie dolls away to romainian orphans. (Damn, that plastic is hard to digest!) NOW maybe you and other Christians can understand why it is important to have a board where people can post and not feel intimidated by religion, since most of the other boards have a clear orientation. I do communicate with others that consider themselves to be christians, and they are wonderful people. I find it to be an expression that people fed up with religious dogma find RELIEVING to use (FUNDIE) that is. So why wouldn't it be safe to say FUNDAMENTALIST or FUNDIE here? I would think this board would be the safe place to say it? So is it a no-no for this board?