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Good point

Posted by Commentator on November 17, 2002 at 16:42:38

In Reply to: On: Not having God or religion after the family: who relates? posted by goth88 on November 17, 2002 at 16:08:44:

This is a good reminder that GenX was designed as a place for people who are burned out on Christianity/religion to come to and not feel threatened with religious dialogue.

Journeys was specifically designed for those who have faith and wish to sort their Christian beliefs from Bergism. Please folks, let's remember to post spiritual posts on Journeys and keep GenX a place for those who want to sort things out and find support, without religious content.

Hope you find people you can connect with, Goth. And even if not, exmembers who are Christians have gone through the same experiences and can support you as a fellow survivor, while respecting your beliefs or lack of them.