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Without Berg could Peter and Maria lead their own F following?

Posted by MG on November 15, 2002 at 05:50:11

Zerby and Kelly have a following. I believe that even if they renounced Berg, said he got it wrong on a lot of things, and that there are other ways of interpreting things about the End Time prophet, they would still have a lot of members remaining in the F.

Most F members don't have any place else to go, they like the lazy lifestyle, and they believe in their "luuuuving Queen and King".

They're still not very successful financially. Member wise they mostly grow with babies born into their ranks. Activated members are only subscribers to publications they receive monthly, --most Activated members have never been to one of the highly touted seminars the F's held in some places for their subscribers.
So if the current CM F can still be satisfied with the beans they've got now, then they'll probably stick with it no matter what Maria and Peter came up with about Berg. Look at how the FM members stay with 'em.