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A de-tox house

Posted by Passing By on November 06, 2002 at 14:44:25

I don't say this with the intention to offend anybody but that is pretty much what I see my induction into the family way back then. I saw people who left their dark past when joining. The nightmare came between then and now but I am thinking of some good possibilities.

We did experience some [good and bad] things about living with others, organizing schedules, talking to strangers, etc. Many skills that wcould be put to good use. Now imagine this, a half-way house for people who are coming out of the cult. Could we, with our experience in it, with what we experienced and learned when we moved on... could people like us put something like that together?

It would have to be a non-profit and no-prophet enterprise, a serious place with specific and measurable goals with hired professionals. A real place that will provide residents with a non-judgmental environment of serenity and trust where they can de-tox.