The statistics today: Via the internet and multiple sites with wholesome facades, the f. has probably garnered some "activated members" because they sell their stupid magazines with Berg Letters. They can't even use their own names or disclose where they are upfront. Now why would that be? "Maria David" better know as, what is it now, Mommy Maria?, uses fictious names and can't answer questions posed by her own youth. Legitimate questions. Instead, in the fashion of a mind-controlling technique of REPETITION, she chides those who ask and says for security reasons she can't answer them. Lawyers have to examine the writings that are released. People who leave and get the family out of them are seen as "losers, backsliders, enemies, "Vandari" and those who stay in live in a fantasy world partially controlled by fear. Whoever posted as "Astonished", I was where you were once. I have nothing to gain by saying this to you. I don't get paid. I am not a "therapist". I don't make people go out ballooning and lying to the public about the real details of where money goes. I am not collecting cars for charity. I am not posting letters from a dead pedophile who went to his grave espousing molestation of children and pimping in the name of God, and without concern for his victims. Wanna know about what you are involved in? Step out of it just a bit. Read James Penn's letters. See if you are allowed to ask questions and get answers that are direct. What would be the consequences if you did? How can you hear from God if it has to fall in line with the dogma you are taught? Have you read "IRFers Beware"? Written by Berg with comments by Maria? Have you ever doubted? Maybe there is a part of you that does, because you are posting here? I don't curse the family like the witch Maria tells people to, I just hope she is exposed and dethroned, and people are free to see, speak and think for themselves. I was once in. Have you gone to the Articles here and read them? Bergs own family have, for the majority, turned against him after horrific abuses. Or, in Aarons case, committed suicide. I hope you can think, read, and think on your own. Whatever conclusion you come to is your own. Even if it is to stay in that group. I am glad, sooooooo glad that I am OUT!!!