In Reply to: Reposting Sam Ajemian from below posted by Reposter on October 09, 2002 at 10:35:47:
I want to say thank you sam, for the info. you are providing. It does fill in some blanks. I remember when the Jesus People Army joined and then their leader was spirited away and given a token position while the F. cult assimilated their members. And other groups too. To me, it is chilling to think of ex-member meetings where cultists attend to recruit others back to the f. to whatever degree they are of use, or to start their own little following. I mean, some of these ex-leaders would do better to just pursue a new career. Pedophiles should not be teachers, preachers, own candy shops, work in kindergartens, well, in other words, if you were a cult leader, the cure would be no positions of authority over any living creatures.