I wonder. I know they pass out blankets and pass out food to the poor that was given to them, but guess what? So do a lot of people who do not ask the world to support their habit of being in a sex cult. There are a lot of unsung heroes who go about doing good works and more and still keep their day job and do not subvert young minds in the process. What the F. does is a sham and anyone who believes otherwise is still under the addiction. There are many people who do even more than the PR works the F. stages so they can milk the public for as much as they can get. I know, I used to do it. Was I wrong when I did it? Yes, I was wrong. Was I evil? Who knows - that's a relative term and means different things to different people. It's stupid to call people evil whether they are in or out of the F. Yeah, there are people in and out of the F. who are, were and always will be nuttier than a fruitcake, prone to pedophilia, abusive natures or a myriad of other immoral acts, yeah, everything and everyone has to be judged individually. The fact is though, the F. is a cover up for an easy lifestyle and secretly hoodwinking more people into their clutches to mess up more lives and this is what they teach their members, that is the danger. If you're still not sure, just re-read Davidito's articles on MovingOn a few times to remind yourself just what lies beneath the clean scrubbed faces of the PR masterminds. Is it hatred to want to stop that or expose it or at least educate the public? And in case you keep forgetting, dig up James Penn's articles and re-read those a few times. It's so easy to get under that spell when hanging around F. members. Must be why Jesus gave that stern warning of being wary of wolves in sheeps clothing. IMO, the doctrines of Maria and Berg are wolf doctrines and being carried out by their henchmen. The higher up the ladder, the more responsible for the madness one becomes. It is not hatred to want to expose that and show it for what it is. Seems there are people who want to work against that. I wonder why?