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Re: New web-site, new life

Posted by Jay on August 25, 2002 at 21:52:54:

In Reply to: Re: Forget the infighting and get on with life posted by Mekka on August 24, 2002 at 23:22:34:

Hi Mekka,

Thanks for the concern Mekka, much appreciated....and I do hope you and yours are doing well also.

Our family is doing fine, our five are almost all out of their teens now and getting on with life and their loves.

Actually after the persecutors defaced my old web-site, by chance or by design the Lord had me see my 15 year old youngest daughter making up her web-site, and she then helped me start mine all over again. It has better fire-walls and by the Grace of God and with back-ups and disc copies etc. etc. it shall keep going on.

There's about 190 postings on prophecy, sex and science and math and geography mysteries and maybe
100 in progress. We get about 300 hits a day including our Bulletin Board, so its doing fine as we approach 50,000 hits, in just eight months. And its all been possible because again I was ex-communicated from NDN and all other exer Boards. It gave me more time to compose and witness.

Ha, there was a breakthrough even yesterday as I received seven posts from about esoteric mysteries.... math beyond me but which showed the Lord is the common denominator of all forces....

Sample from my Bulletin Board

Mathematical Corelations of Everything


Whewee .... how's that for a TITLE.

And yet, Jerry out of no where, passed along some amazing mathematical
truths to me through email. I won't comment on all the implications yet, as I am
working on it and hoping to find out more with my basic university physics and
mathematics, and my more recent discoveries in esoterics and sacred geometry.

But surely Julian, or someone has come up with the beginnings of the Theory of
Everything (TOE)...mathematical proofs that everything is related and came from
a common Design and designer called the Creator or Jesus.

For do check out the exactness of the nubers and equations that both equates
Pi, and PHI and our bodies and the Pyramids, and more so that there has to be
something here beyond mere equations. Whewee ... I don;t know what it is
exactly ..... Ha, but I feel the numbers in the Spirit ...thanks Jerry



The deepest meaning of the 1/Pi..(1/3.141592654)..phenomena is as the
supreme exponentational link to
the "hard" constants of Nature:

FEIGENBAUM CONSTANT = 4.669201609...rule of order in chaotic systems
F= 4.6692043132.....tan in radians
100/[(tan(F-Pi).........................^ (1/Pi)] = 36.7872976...

GOLDEN MEAN = 1.618033989...rule of order in living forms systems
Phi = 1.618033989 = (1+sqrt5)/2...COS^-1 in degrees
[COS^-1[((sqrt 5 -1)/4)*1152]........^ (1/Pi) = 36.7872976...

FINE-STRUCTURE CONSTANT = a(em) =amplitude for an electron-photon
exchange, rule of proton-electron
a(em) = 1/137.036000986...cos in radians
(cos 1/(a(em))*100.................................= 36.7872976...

COLLECTIVE UNCONSCIOUS = 82944 = (288^2)...rule of brain/nervous/
Prof. Leahy =(82944 logic) and Sephira Malkuth=(288 sparks)
82944................................... ^ (1/Pi) = 36.7872976...

COLLECTIVE UNCONSCIOUS: Egyptian form, Cheops pyramid, Beta=.37
height = 486.256005976 feet = ht
base leg = 763.81 feet = bl...cos in radians
[cos [(10^(2*ht/bl))/(.37^2)]] * 100........= 36.7872976...

COLLECTIVE UNCONSCIOUS : Pi form... cos in radians
[[cos[(10^((2/Pi)+(2/Pi))]/(.370000606^2)]*100 = 36.7872976...

COLLECTIVE UNCONSCIOUS: Christian(666), Hebrew(288) form
cos in radians...
cos[(10^(287.999975988/37))/(666^2)]........= 36.7872976...

NATURES CHARGED MASSES: proton,positive; electron,negative
pmev = proton million electron volts = 938.271998 (NIST 1998)
emev = electron million electron volts = .5109994691
[(10*pmev)^[(1/Pi)*(emev^-(1/Pi))]]..........................= 36.7872976...

NATURES CHARGED MASSES: and the collective unconscious as the
electrons carrier
pmev = 938.271998
emev = .51100091734
pmev / (emev^2) / 6.66..............................= 36.7872976...

[10^((1/Pi)+(1/Pi))] *1800 = 144.000014266/37

NATURES STRONG FORCE: a(s) = 14 and the fermat form: e^(Pi+8)
a(s) = 13.99995242
[(10^((2/Pi)+(2/Pi))] * a(s) = sqrt (e^(Pi+8)..e=2.7182818...

NATURES CHARGED/UNCHARGED PAIR:neutron-proton,harmonic mean
of 57 and 37..
nmev = neutron = 939.5653313 (NIST 1998 = 939.56533mev)
pmev = proton
( 2109/940) ^ (1/Pi) = nmev - pmev = [[(1/57+1/37)^-1]/10] ^ (1/Pi)

NATURES CHARGED/UNCHARGED PAIR:fine-structure constant and
fermat form
[[sqrt[(e^(Pi+8)) * a(em)]]/10] ^ (1/Pi) = nmev- pmev

NATURES CHARGED/UNCHARGED PAIR: strong , fine-structure forces
a(s) = 13.99990799
[[[10^((2/Pi)+(2/Pi))] * a(s) * sqrt a(em) ]/10] ^ (1/Pi) = nmev - pmev

[10^((2/Pi)+(2/Pi))] * a(em) = .370000605064 ^ 2

length as radius
a(s) = 14.00051693 =strong nuclear force
M(p) = Planck mass = 2.17656..* (10^-8) kilograms (1998 NIST)
1/[[10^((4/Pi)+(4/Pi)))] * (a(s)^2) * 666] = 2.1765 * (10^-8)

GRAVITATIONAL FORCE: G(n) newtons = 6.6739*(10^-11) mks
a(s) = 14.00051693
h =plancks constant = 6.626068758*(10^-34) joules (1998 NIST)
c = speed of light = 299792458 m/s (1998 NIST)
h * c *(10^(16/Pi)) * (a(s)^4) * (666^2) / 2 / Pi = 6.6739* (10^-11)

NUCLEAR WEAK FORCE:fermi coupling-charge =G(w) =.0000116639 F(m)
through the Feigenbaum constant:
emev = .510998902
pmev = 938.271998
F = Feigenbaum constant = 4.669201609
G(w) = fermi-coupling charge = (1998 NIST = .0000116639 F(m))

emev / pmev / F / 10 = .0000116640288484



I told Jerry, I was posting it here and elsewhere, and invited him here, so
maybe he shall come by and explain more. I'll try to popst what I can figure out.

So enjoy the Lord's TOE for now....but its not a theory, it's a truth.

Truth of Everything = Jesus




And I'm still trying to figure out the basics and then get this...

Anyway Mekka it was on my ClipBoard and so I posted it....

So my Board and my web-site is not for all, and because of persecutors from sword that might try to deface my site once again, I can't give my web-site or bulletin board. Ha I don;t allow chit chat, basically only research and points and no antagonism...progress progress progress, I only get inspired by progress..

One life is almost past, only what's done for Jesus will last....

The Lord bless and keep you Mekka and all

