I was very struck by this paragraph in the alleged F letter:
"Pardon our not knowing who to address this to, as it seems that everyone on the site is going under a pseudonym, unlike most bona fide anti-cult or Christian apologetic organizations who do so with at least one legal name, and most with a board of directors, addresses, contact information, etc."
This is so rich of them, isn't it? After years and years of Roses By Another Name, teaching deceivers yet true, changing names and passports, regularly evading issues, not paying taxes and teaching others not to, not giving addresses, (would you please give me the translation of 'selah?') mandating that members code phone numbers, having Romans type drills in homes (why would you be so afraid of the police system if you are not doing anything illegal), separating and forbidding contact among people of the same families, YOU have the GALL to come out with such a statement? Did you look in the mirror when you typed that, or gave it to somebody to type? Do you like what you see in the mirror? Does it look like a real human being to you? Some people would still like to know the LEGAL name of the "brothers" who casually passed by and raped their children, you know? They are all John's, David's and Philip's and Steven's, you know? Does your "fellowship" host and harbor child molesters? Is there any contact information to reach any of you in this "fellowship" to get the names of these individuals and turn them in to the authorities?
Listen, John Smith, Steven Shepherd or John Thomas (you would think some of you could use a bit more creativity with names, huh?): come out with YOUR legal name first and not a yahoo.com address and give the decent people on this site the legal names of all the leaders in charge of this "fellowship" you mentioned, so we can do some serious talking.
The pseudo-christian sugar coating in your missive is so pathetic because you it has nothing to do with Christianity. The lack of honesty and integrity in the life of the people you mention speaks for itself. There is such a thing as a record. A lot of that lack of integrity is recorded in the materials quoted here. Have you looked at Irfers Beware recently? Or The Devil Hates Sex? The Davidito holy ghost sample? (Enough ghost to spook some Christians out, you know, the ones you solicit donations from) The notes from the 1993 Summit Jewels by your deranged ex-Karen Zerby "Queen?"
Does it look like anything remotely resembling mainstream Christianity, what you would like the public to think your "fellowship" is like?
I know this enlightening material is "purged" (read: use white out, erase paragraphs, cut pages, Burn After Reading this note that tells you to hide the evidence, ah sweet dirty memories) in your libraries, but you can have the wonderful option of increasing your knowledge and refreshing your memory on this site. Wonderful archaelogical work, huh?
I hope some of this will help you understand just who you are dealing with this time. Oh yes, and I will remember to say in the beginning, at the end, or somewhere on this post that this is only MY "opinion."