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It's a condition

Posted by Acheick on August 06, 2002 at 20:28:47:

In Reply to: Re: Thanks everybody for your good thoughts posted by Mekka on August 06, 2002 at 15:12:49:

They have done studies and for some women, it has to do with the way they were raised. If they were raised in a certain environment (can't remember the details now), they tend to think they are supposed to be controlled by someone. In this case, if this woman is pentecostal, that would definitely be a problem. You know, that old patriarchal belief system. David Berg was steeped in it, even though women were allowed to be rulers - I guess for him it was ok as long as one sex was ruling over another one. You should read up on that case of Andrea Yates. The things those evengelical idiots told her. She thought she was a horrible mother and if her children weren't perfect, it was all her fault. All this stuff is based in guilt. My former husband was an expert at that. He had me convinced I was a useless disciple and my only worth was in having children and cooking. I didn't even realize how much I was being controlled and emotionally abused until I left him and married someone else. A lot of this is ignorance.