No Pro-Family agendas @ Barney's.
Now, 2 counter some of the attacks on Barney and Laurelhome, this is my reply:
MANY people W/OUT our pursuasion, have left the Family when visiting here. Most people here just don't wanna' talk about the Family and just mind there own business. It is NOT part of the "Barney Agenda" (working title of my biography of Barney), 2 indoctrinate and try and convince people 2 live for or leave the Family.
There have been instances where Family people tried 2 convince us "young ones", 2 leave the "system life", and join the 'ranks'...Well, w/ out much talk on our parts, the result has been in our favor. Many people have left the cult since coming here and realising that MONEY and security for their family's is more important than worshipping mere mortals (Peter and Maria).
Please feel free 2 email me w/ questions etc...