In Reply to: Re: Healing, venting anger and all the other good things posted by ray on July 30, 2002 at 10:56:31:
Ray....I mean, ray, point well taken. Yes, for many people, past the "angry venting" stage is the "drown your pain in booze and drugs stage". I missed that stage but the really sad thing is many people, especially SGAs, don't miss that. And part of the reason they DO drown their pain in drugs and booze is because they aren't able to properly go through the "angry venting" stage. No one to talk to around them. They have Jule's board and that's terrific, thank God for that, but like people need one-on-one, eyeball to eyeball. I've seen SGAs who got that and who've missed it. And old fart FGAs too.
In other words IF you can really barf up all the Berg crap properly, you can miss the pain stage and go on to healing and normal life. and the barf stage takes a while.
Now I've got a normal life, normal family, normal job, normal neighbors, normal interests, etc. and most of my time now is not spent "raging against the Beast". I even have at least one friend in the Family. But let me ask you, when I think about the Davidito book, the victor camps and the damaged kids out and working as prostitutes, am I supposed to NOT get upset and feel like venting? Was that only for a period and once it's past I should never feel very angry against Berg, Zerby and Family leaders?
If you're waiting for the total-mellow-out stage to hit after the venting stage, where a few years down the road you can look back at the victor camps, abused kids, and give a philosophical sigh and smile, well those days will never come. If you're sane you will ALWAYS be mad at that injustice. And all the more so if you live with your own kids who were abused and mucked up and their lives are permanently scarred.
Just because people always vent on this board about Berg doesn't mean they're not fulfilled, well-rounded, happy, forgiving people. They have a life, they've forgiven those who have hurt them, but they will never, never, never finally mellow out over what Berg did. Evil does not become all warm and fuzzy with age.