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Blisters on my feet :-p

Posted by WC on July 28, 2002 at 07:30:59:

In Reply to: Re: LOL! What's in a name? posted by Joseph on July 28, 2002 at 06:54:27:

"People don't become good just because they leave The Family, and they don't stay evil just by staying. But, the belief that they do all comes
from the same mindset."

The reason I reposted your quote here in the first place is that there is a lot of truth to it. As a stand-alone statement it was valid and thought provoking. I could totally relate to it - I was after all, once a member myself. I abhor black-and-white thinking and ignorance like you wouldn't believe! I get misunderstood all the time by people who want to place me in some convenient category for their own satisfaction and limited thinking. I've been called anything from a womanizer to a New-Ager to a witch, and some have insinuated that I have all kinds of skeletons in my closet. Iheard some people think I abused kids in the Family and talk about it behind my back. (For the record I have a squeaky clean record and a crystal clear conscience) I have run up against ridiculous comments and ostracism trying to get this site up. I said many times on NDN that too many people exers included, rush to take sides in an argument and form these little gangs.

But as usual, it never is that simple, because there are many factors to consider such as: is the statement I quoted being used in a black-and-white way to type-cast exmembers? It can be like reverse racism. So there were people who felt that was what was behind it and they objected to the reverse type-casting.

It seems the people you interacted with here were linking the quote to other issues they are/were buggered about. But it seems you were pretty pent up too.

Anyway, I am sorry about the unfairness you and Jane have been treated with. As I said, I find your perspective interesting. You once said something at NDN to dispell the black and white thing about pro-Family/ant-Family. You said something about if someone has children still in the group, and they are looking after their welfare and sending them gifts does that make them pro-Family, etc. If you can find that post, please point me to it - it was great.