In Reply to: Re: To Joseph posted by Joseph on July 26, 2002 at 07:03:58:
When I left, I wished there was someone to turn to or some organization that could help but there wasn't. I had no family I could run home to, and no good friends I could trust. The state I was in, I would not have trusted anyone who still believed in the mo-letters. The people you mentioned still do. One of them recently displayed a large inventory of the f. paraphanelia she sells.
It took me years to recover from my time in the f. Each step of the way I thought about how it would have been great if there was some organization of understanding professionals who knew where I was at exactly and could help me sort myself out. I really needed free mental health professionals dealing specially with cult departees but there were none. I thought how great it would be if there was a fund for cult victims trying to start over again in life. I wished there were organizations which would take what fresh information we had about the f. and go after them, before the information was old and it was to late. I wouldn't have wanted to be near anyone who resembled the f. in anyway. I wouldn't have gone near someone like Barney. Although it is quite possible some SGA's might find him safe. Why don't you go to movingon.org and ask if they would recommend SGA's go to Barney for help. I am sure they wouldn't recommend him for the same reasons. Barney and Cancion are too much f.like.
Someone said that leaving the f. is not just a practical thing like changing geografical locations. I agree. What Barney is doing may look good, but unless he is refering people to psychiatric care and helping them unlearn f. ways, he is just helping create a large group of half-cogs cog-wannabes or paracogs as someone else called it. What is fishy is the way Barney talked about absorbing these departees and forming his own group.
We don't need a rightwing anti-cult organizations which will use departees as a showcase and ammunition, just understanding and helpful ones. People are finaly waking up to the cult threat, and there are now support groups and therapists who focus on cult departees. Someone recently posted some links.
For everything I went through to recover from my being in the f., I would never wish for anyone to go to Barney for help. I would ask them to go to someone who is clear about leaving behind the f. Its possible there are others who are doing alot, much more than Barney collectively but they don't get publicity like he does.
Anneke is friends with the f. to the point she recommended the f. come after this board because it posted articles that spoke against the f. I would never wish for any SGA to go near someone as messed up as that.
Does that help you understand?