In Reply to: I think that's a small sampling posted by Acheick on July 26, 2002 at 00:12:42:
You asked why Barney is not liked by some ex-members. I replied with
"Look at the way he can't talk straight about anything. He has so much f. style in him its yuckee!! He isn't that convincing for everybody and comes across as fishy. He seems outright vain for attention. He doesn't act like someone with integrity sincerely offering a service. He's plain idiotic in his reactions. He throws a fit and says people don't have to visit his board if they don't like him. He used to talk about his ambitions to absorb remnants of the f. into his own group. He is different from most people who joined the f. and gave their heart and soul. He got kicked out and compared it to changing jobs. It is like he is involved with ex-family for business reasons. You will never understand unless you have been a member what it is like to run into someone like Barney. He hits you as being someone who was masquerading all along and still is."
You replied
"Some of you are so good at helping me make my point. Why does it always have to be this easy?"
I said
"You asked why Barney is demonized. I cannot answer that as I do not deomnize him, I answered to tell you why he is not popular with ex-members. What kind baiting game are you playing?"
You asked I answered, but you did not follow through. I still do not understand what your point is. You took my answer and used it for some agenda of yours. I don't expect you to dislike Barney just because others do. He is capabale of doing both bad and good things and when people find out about the bad things they disaprove. Simple! The time comes when people vote and Barney gets the thumbs down. Not everybody dislikes him, but those who do have made an informed decision. What is wrong with that? You said ex-members are cult-like but you are being cult-like by not allowing us our vote. You are guilty of the same mindset if you lump us into one block of ex-members with one kind of thinking. You are very condescending to think we have an opinion about Barney based on nothing but bias against anyone who is friends with the f. Contrary to your idea that you have a very informed opinion about all sides, we do know something you don't from never having been in the f. We lived something you only watched from the outside. We know what it is to be a non-member, member and ex-member. Maybe you don't know as much as you think you do.