I am getting a good education going from board to board. I am realizing that some people state things bluntly and have perhaps a lower level of education or finesse. They defend the family, not all the "errors" of it, but the general way they see it as being beneficial. That turns my stomach. Now these less refined characters catch a lot of flack and get confronted by many.
Then there are some who defend the family in a much more subtle way, feigning ignorance and pretending to be sincerely questioning something while trying to bait the potential respondent to give them something to point out to them. Why is it so much easier to defend someone who many knew as close to the self-declared king of the family and his consort and successor, who was a personality within the family, than someone who lacking the skills of craftiness, and who may not be the sharpest tack on the map, is easy to get upset about? Perhaps it is a cult of personality? Before and after?