I found this post on Lolo's board and wondered if this issue has been resolved yet. Anneke, do you STILL feel you would go to court to defend FCF? Do you STILL advise Grant to sue ex-members who say FCF is associated with the Family? If so, why? I don't know that there's ever been a final answer to these questions.
Here is the post:
"This is what happened:
Gary threatened the exfamily.org site with a lawsuit. Being the snake that he is, Gary himself chose to heavily quote a letter written by Anneke and send it on to the folks and exfamily.org. In it she said she was completely against a list of pseudonyms published on that site and spoke heavily against exmembers. That letter got out.
Anneke has said she was willing to go to court against exmembers to defend FCF. The community was royally pissed off and started reacting and rallying behind the cause. Even Davidito jumped in. Many exmembers have their own agendas and grievances and would love to fight the Family and FCF in court. Anneke was criticized for her stance. Then she went on crossfire to say something about how the FCF is the only good part of the Family. Her statements were challenged.
Her response was to mention all the good works she claiming she being attacked by people who do nothing. That is just rhetoric. She has responded to honest questions by calling them attacks on her and further criticized the exer community, equating anyone who has an honest contrary opinion with slanderous trouble makers.
I don't believe people actually want to know her relationship with FCF as much as they want to know why she would be willing to go to court to defend FCF against truthful statements made on the exfamily.org site, and why she takes the liberty of acting like she is a class above everyone else because of her hobnobbing associations and good works.