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That's very helpful

Posted by Acheick on June 13, 2002 at 06:11:28:

In Reply to: Re: yes, Rocky, what do these people do? posted by Rocky on June 13, 2002 at 00:32:51:

Maybe we could have on our articles portion a place for nothing but testimonies of abuse. I'm not sure how we could go about documenting each and everyone as valid, but it would give us a start.

Another thing of issue is that although we have copies of the DAvidito Book and all the letters from Berg, many of these things have been hidden or redacted (lines blocked out of letters) in the homes and the SGAs in the group think that any abuse or wrongful acts were all in the past. They believe the lie they are being told. What they don't realize, Maria is just regurgitating the same old stuff and making them think it's new and they "aren't like that anymore" or "it was just the old hippies that took it to the extreme and misunderstood Berg", etc. How do you answer that? I mean, their present day doctrines and revelations sound like nothing but witchcraft. A member will be talking to you and then say, "excuse me, I have to go get a prophecy." Their lives are still regimented in a firm headlock from Maria and Peter and they think they are so free and different now.