In Reply to: Blaming individuals or the group posted by Porcelein Doll (reposted) on May 13, 2002 at 08:57:32:
I read your post PD, and I feel that the individual is of course responsible for his/her own actions. I think it would take a sick (adult)individual to even contemplate having any kind of a relationship with a child/young teenager. Even though some of these men had been in the group for years and even decades, they still KNEW it was wrong!
As far as the group goes...well, I have a strong oppinion on that one! In "The Devil Hates Sex", Berg ranted and raved for quite a few pages about how the "system" was wrong because they put rapists and pedophiles into jail. He kept repeating the same statement, "As long as it's done in love is legal with God!", well, as a rape victim, I would like to say that there is not a chance in HELL that any form of rape can be done in love! Just like sexual child abuse, it wouldn't be called abuse if it wasn't hurtful to the child either physically or mentally. So, yes, I do blame the group, or rather, Berg and Zerby.