I was contacted by Jered couple weeks ago and I told him that I am going to write a statement about all this.
I said I can't give him a time frame for this, and if he is not happy about that he can do whatever he wishes.
I was thinking in terms of 4 weeks to give me time to think things through.
It was suggested by a former member that until I make the changes that I should take out the portion about Love's Bridge from my newsletter.
I didn't like the idea, but I decided to work a little faster on it.
I really can't write under pressure, but I started working on the text, making some changes.
Then, today, I realized, I can't even concentrate on the subject as I have all these other issues that I am thinking about and am trying to get to the bottom of.
So read it as you like, I decided to start the process of taking that entire portion about Christina out of the newsletter.
I will work on it sometime in the future, when it is easier for me to do so.
Or I may decide that Love's Bridge is not that much of a priorty for my afterall and just leave it completly out.
Sam Ajemian