M - Most important person in my life
O - Only you can tuck me in at night
M - Mom, it's great to see someone face such adversity and still come out on top.
M - Mostly everything I do, I do to make you smile and be proud.
Y - You're the one thing in my hectic life that inspires me to keep going and succeed.
D - Don't ever doubt yourself "you have to look at the good things."
E - Even though I don't see you every day, I know you're doing good, I'm so proud of your accomplishments.
A - After every brilliant day I have, I know it was so good because that's when you're smiling.
R - Remember there were 9 babies inside you!
E - Even though you aren't very near us, your kids know how well you've raised us, look how wonderful they've turned out!
S - Sometimes I wish I were a baby again, so I can be cradled in your arms out of harm's way.
T - Too bad I'm not because it's always great when I'm with you. Mom, I love you so much!
I tell you, that had to be the best Mother's Day gift I could have ever wanted.