McKay challenges FBI over new recruit in LA

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Posted by cultmonkey on May 30, 2006 at 13:02:02

In Reply to: New kidnapping scandal (extract from Mckays website) posted by wavy on May 20, 2006 at 08:34:34:

Here is a part of McKays open letter to FBI . the full letter is posted on his website.

'May 27, 2006
To Agent Matt Scott, Federal Bureau of Investigation, Long Beach, California
Hi Matt,
I have enclosed the contact details for Prince Sullivan below. Just to back up and restate our concerns, we want it to be known that Joe has not been kidnapped (at least not by US), and that there is no reason to believe that he has been kidnapped by us. I explained much of this on the phone to you several days ago, but it seems that Joe is still listed as "missing" and "in danger" in a bulletin that has gone out all over the United States. From this, it would appear that you are persevering with the plan to create an imaginary danger which does not exist, and for which there is no evidence.
Certainly you don't authorise a major investigation any time some idiot strolls in off the street and says that someone has been kidnapped, without some evidence to support such a claim. So why should you be taking '

Cultmonkey comment
The insignificant McKay is throwing another tantrum because he may lose one of his recruits.
Why the big fuss? well McKay can not afford another loss. He only has between 20 and 30 members and has suffered a few losses in numbers lately. He will not spare a thought for the families he recruits from. He believes that he has the right to negotiate with the FBI and dictate the terms, being a true American born prophet who lives far away in the relative safety of Australia.
The FBI will be aware that EVERYTHING that happens in any part of the group will have been sanctioned or advised (would dictated be a better word here says the monkey thinkng aloud?)by the insignificant McKay.
So far parents in UK, USA, Africa and India have raised serious concerns about DM. He has styled his group on the early COG movement and has great admiration for the dead alcoholic Berg and his successor Maria. Mackay always responds to this truth by claiming he does not condone the permissive sexuality that predominated that group. Mackay promotes (should I use the word dictate again? wonders the monkey) celibacy and masturbation instead but by a lucky fluke of godly intervention enjoys a married life himself!

The JC's have split into cell groups (tribes to use his term )recently but McKay is still the leader. He genuinely believes that one day he and his little band will rule over the different nations of the earth. He is also over 60 now and desperate to become significant.

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