Re: Thoughts on Life in The Family

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Posted by someone on August 07, 2004 at 14:20:54

In Reply to: Thoughts on Life in The Family posted by Carol on August 07, 2004 at 04:10:55:

Carol, you say:

"The real test of the Family's survival will come when Zerby & Kelly fade into their dotage and members of the second generation take charge. We can only hope that these "heirs to the kingdom" aren't the short-sighted, counter-dependent blockheads their parents were."

The problem is that the "heirs to the kingdom" are heirs to the kingdom precisely because the have imbibed and are able/willing to emulate the role models who are "short-sighted, counter-dependent blockheads," not to mention various combinations of 1 or more of the following: cold, calculating, heartless, cruel, sadistic, narcissistic, abusive, predatory, exploitative, lying, conniving, connning, psychopathic, etc.

Those who don't operate that way (i) are pariahs, or at least not "in the innner circle" in The Family and (ii) have left or will probably leave eventually.

What worries me about 2nd Gen "leaders" is that they did not switch to The Families MO but were raised on it and did not reject it like the other 2nd gen (who either never fit in or when they reached an age where they could reason, became outraged with varying levels of speed). The SG leaders will have been treated all their lives in the manner they are now perpetrating. They were raised in the circus and are better acrobats for it.

I can't help but think that SGs who want to break the mould will do so outside of the moldy Family.

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