Re: Transpersonal Psychology

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Posted by OldtimerToo on July 28, 2004 at 19:28:47

In Reply to: Transpersonal Psychology posted by Perry on July 22, 2004 at 13:26:39:

Hi, Perry.

Above are some interesting links--one is about C G Jung, a Gnostic (among other things, spiritually/philosophically, of course), and the other about a Christian perspective on pychology--two of its excerpts are:


"Among professing Christians, there are four major myths about psychology which have become entrenched in the Church:"

"The first major myth is common to Christians and non-Christians alike: that psychotherapy (psychological counseling along with its theories and techniques) is a science -- a means of understanding and helping humanity based on empirical evidence gleaned from measurable and consistent data."

"The second major myth is that the best kind of counseling utilizes both psychology and the Bible. Psychologists who also claim to be Christians generally claim that they are more qualified to help people understand themselves and change their behavior than are other Christians (including pastors and elders) who are not trained in psychology."

"The third major myth is that..."[ALL--mine--I also believe that there are the problems of the "lunatic and sore vexed", physiologically based mental illness in a fallen world, etc., and that THERE IS ROOM for the direct use of medicine, here--]"...people who are experiencing mental-emotional behavioral problems are mentally ill. They are supposedly psychologically sick and, therefore, need psychological therapy. The common argument is that the doctor treats the body, the minister treats the spirit, and the psychologist treats the mind and emotions. Ministers, unless they are trained in psychoanalysis and psychotherapy, are then supposedly unqualified to help people who are suffering from serious problems of living."

"The fourth major myth is that psychotherapy has a high record of success -- that professional psychological counseling produces greater results than other forms of help, such as self-help or that provided by family, friends, or pastors. Thus, psychological counseling is seen as more effective than Biblical counseling in helping some Christians. This is one of the main reasons why so many professing Christians are training to become psychotherapists."

Here is the second excerpt:


"Although all forms of psychotherapy are religious, the fourth branch of psychology -- the transpersonal -- is more blatantly religious than the others. Transpersonal psychologies involve faith in the supernatural -- something beyond the physical universe. However, the spirituality they offer includes mystical experiences of both the occult and Eastern religions."

"Through transpersonal psychotherapies, various forms of Eastern religion are creeping into Western life. Psychologist Daniel Goleman quotes Chogyam Trungpa as saying, "Buddhism will come to the West as psychology." Goleman points out how Oriental religions "seem to be making gradual headway as psychologies, not as religions." Also, Jacob Needleman says: "A large and growing number of psychotherapists are now convinced that the Eastern religions offer an understanding of the mind far more complete than anything yet envisaged by Western science. At the same time, the leaders of the new religions themselves -- the numerous gurus and spiritual teachers now in the West -- are reformulating and adapting the traditional systems according to the language and atmosphere of modern psychology.""

Mis-identifying what I am saying, personally, here, and quoting, with the beliefs and/or practices of TF will be inappropriate--please do not read into what I'm saying or quoting. I am FOR empirical science, HONEST philosophy and reasoning, and so forth.

Transpersonal Psychology is, in my view, bad science and worse religion masquerading as a sort of "interpretive overview", which subordinates Christianity, as do all OTHER forms of, basically, Bhuddism, to an inferior and untrustworthy point of view of the "unenlightened". As such, I say it is complete crap, and not trustworth as healing, especially after the cult experience we share from our past.

I have made a lifetime study of religion, both before and after my COG/FOL experience. My experience before I regard as that of demonically-controlled hallucinations desigend to turn me away from Jesus Christ, adn the only way to salvation. That authority of experience, along with 30 years post-cult experience of God Himself, through His Spirit, and His word, the Bible, informs my studies after TF experience.

I will correspond with anyone interested in my point of view, as well as engaging in the dialogue here, under the "Rules and Guidelines".

With all respect,

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