Posted by Alan on August 27, 2003 at 01:48:17
In Reply to: Re: on aids transmission: risk reduction posted by anovagrrl on August 26, 2003 at 06:45:33:
I don't consider citing the facts about CDC studies concerning the high failure rates of condoms to be "Tilting at windmills."
The Ugandan program's remarkable reduction in AIDS is due to a 3-way program, that includes condoms, but stresses abstinence as the most effective method of avoiding HIV.
You have made a false assumption concerning Uganda's ABC program. They have indeed published statistics concerning the efficacy of each of the components of the ABC program, and the abstinence component accounts for the largest percentage of the 25% reduction in HIV.
This fact has not been widely reported in the typical advocacy groups who scoff at the idea that humans can indeed control their carnal urges.
What would you think of a drug education class for teens that said, "We know you kids are going to experiment with drugs anyway, so here are the recommended dosage levels, and here are some needles. Now have fun and practice safe drug use."
Of course we wouldn't condone such a class like that. But that attitude is what is often being espoused amoung some organizations.
If I am "tilting at windmills" then so be it. I think that's preferable to hiding your head in the sand.
As long as the most effective methods of avoiding STDs are given only lukewarm attention, the plague will continue to grow.